Top Tips for Storing Kratom: Keep Your Herbal Supplement Potent and Effective

By hypnotic78, 18 September, 2024
a pantry full of various glass jars of tea powders and dry goods

Kratom, derived from the leaves of the Mitragyna speciosa tree native to Southeast Asia, is valued for its potential therapeutic benefits, including pain relief, mood enhancement, and increased energy. To fully harness these benefits, it’s crucial to store kratom properly. Improper storage can lead to a reduction in its potency and effectiveness. This essay provides a detailed guide on how to store kratom to preserve its quality and maximise its benefits.

Understanding Kratom's Sensitivity

Kratom’s active compounds, mitragynine and 7-hydroxymitragynine, are sensitive to environmental conditions. These alkaloids can degrade when exposed to light, heat, and moisture. Light, especially ultraviolet (UV) rays, can trigger chemical reactions that break down these compounds, diminishing the herb's effectiveness. Heat can accelerate these reactions and dry out the kratom, while moisture can lead to mould growth, compromising both the quality and safety of the herb. Understanding these sensitivities is crucial for choosing the right storage methods to maintain kratom’s potency.

Choosing the Right Container

Selecting the right container is essential for preserving kratom’s quality. Airtight containers are ideal as they prevent exposure to air, which can lead to oxidation and degradation of the alkaloids. Containers made from dark glass or high-density polyethylene plastic are preferable. Dark glass containers help block out light, while high-density polyethylene plastic provides a durable, moisture-resistant barrier. Ensure the container has a secure, airtight seal to keep out moisture and contaminants. For added protection, consider using vacuum-sealed bags or mylar bags with oxygen absorbers. These methods further reduce the risk of oxidation and moisture damage.

Keeping Kratom Away from Light

Light exposure, particularly from sunlight, can significantly impact kratom’s quality. Ultraviolet (UV) rays can degrade the alkaloids, reducing their effectiveness. To protect kratom from light, store it in a dark place away from direct sunlight. A cupboard or a drawer is ideal for this purpose. If the kratom is stored in a transparent container, consider placing it inside a dark-coloured bag or wrapping it in aluminium foil to block out light. Additionally, avoid storing kratom near sources of artificial light, such as lamps or overhead lights, which can also contribute to light exposure.

Controlling Temperature and Humidity

Temperature and humidity are critical factors in preserving kratom’s potency. The ideal storage temperature for kratom is between 15°C and 21°C (60°F and 70°F). Extreme temperatures, both hot and cold, can cause chemical changes in the kratom, leading to a loss of potency. For instance, high temperatures can accelerate the breakdown of alkaloids, while freezing temperatures can alter the kratom’s texture and effectiveness. Avoid storing kratom in areas with fluctuating temperatures, such as near heaters or air conditioners.

Humidity is another significant factor. Excessive moisture can lead to mould growth, which not only affects the kratom’s quality but also poses health risks. To prevent moisture-related issues, store kratom in a dry environment. Use desiccant packs, such as silica gel, inside the storage container to absorb excess moisture. These packets help maintain a low-humidity environment, reducing the risk of mould and preserving the kratom’s quality.

Avoiding Contamination

Contamination can occur through improper handling or exposure to other substances. To avoid contamination, always use clean, dry utensils when handling your lab tested kratom powder in Canada. Ensure your hands are free from moisture and contaminants before touching the kratom. Additionally, store kratom in a location that is free from strong odours or chemicals, as these can be absorbed by the kratom and alter its effects. Keeping kratom away from sources of contamination helps maintain its purity and effectiveness.

Duration of Storage

Kratom can remain potent for several months to a year when stored correctly. However, it’s generally recommended to use kratom within six months of purchase to ensure optimal freshness and effectiveness. Over time, even with ideal storage conditions, kratom may gradually lose its potency. To avoid using degraded kratom, keep track of the purchase date and use older kratom first. This practice ensures that you consume the freshest and most effective product.

Regular Quality Checks

Regular quality checks are essential for ensuring that stored kratom remains potent. Inspect kratom periodically for any signs of degradation, such as changes in colour, texture, or smell. Fresh kratom typically has a vibrant green or brown colour, depending on the strain, and a distinctive herbal aroma. Any significant changes in these characteristics may indicate that the kratom has degraded and may no longer be effective. Conducting regular checks helps you maintain the quality of your kratom and ensures that you are using a potent product.


Proper storage is key to maintaining kratom’s potency and effectiveness. By choosing the right container, protecting kratom from light and moisture, controlling temperature and humidity, and avoiding contamination, you can preserve the herb’s quality over time. Regular quality checks will help ensure that you are using a potent and effective product. With these practices in place, you can fully enjoy kratom’s benefits and maximise its potential.